Have you ever had to think twice what anyone said to you? I mean, real thinking to understand the context of the conversation because the person spoke really well?

Sometimes I have had to, in fact, more than once!

Whereas, Jesus Who was ‘more than men’ could simply not be arrested because of the way He spoke.

The officers sent to arrest Him came back and told the Pharisees that they could not arrest Jesus because NO ONE EVER SPOKE LIKE HIM! Kai 🔥 🔥

The Authority by which He spoke, the power His words had made them confess to this undeniable fact.

Yet, He is kind, meek, gentle, merciful and full of compassion. However, His words are spirit and life, they are not spoken ordinarily, but in power and in love so that none of the officers could come close to Him.

Now, what do you think Jesus said to the Samaritan woman or to Nathaniel who had sat under the tree?

Isn’t He just lovely, isn’t He wonderful? Oh yes, He is!

That Man lives in us, He has made His habitation in you and I. Through the Holy Ghost, He works in us! Glory!!

Knowing that He lives in you, is there any situation that needs speaking to? That needs His words? Mention them and begin to speak through the Holy Ghost to them!

At the end, just like those officers, those situations would confess, ‘No one ever spoke like this Man!’ Amen
John 7:46

#OneBigHand #Jesus’WordsArePowerful #NoOneEverSpokeLikeHim #HeLivesInUs!

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